- cheap Server-prices
- high available (99,98%)
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- Hosting more as 8 Years
Support eqal at SA/SO
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- optional with Plesk/cPanel
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server-package Webutation

Hosting of Domains, Server, Webspaces with cPanel or Plesk, SSL-Certificates and Software-Licences

Domains from 1awww:

Domains, prices and conditions, you find herefast and for low prices, you can register domains out of 270 domain-endings. You can administrar all of your domain self and  about this, you have the full control of nameservers, dns-zones, Adresses of Owner, Admin-C, Bill-C and Tech-C. 

Domains, prices and conditions, you find here 

Webhosting from 1awww:

Root-Server from 1awww.comcheap and with absolute security, we offer Plesk-and cPanel-Webhosting with all features you need, expl. with the Plesk Webpresence-Builder you can create your websites in a short of minute.

Webhosting, prices and information, you find here

SSL-Certificates from 1awww:

SSL-Certificates from 1awww.comwhen you will have a high standard in forms, mails etc, then you can get one of many differented SSL-Certifcates for optimal prices!

SSL-Certificates, prices and more informations, here

other Software from 1awww:

other software from 1awww.comabsoulte interessting are the products CUmzug (Moving of confixx-Webspaces) and hosts-deny (optimal Security for your webservers)

sonstige Software, hier erhalten Sie weitere Informationen 

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