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server-package Webutation

virtual Root Servers from 1awww:

virtuelle Root-Serveronly with 1,00 Euro / month you can start to rent your own root-server, with a disk-space of 14 GB. Thats enourgh for the most programs to start. Your server is ready in 3 minutes! Prices and details, you find here

dedicated Root-Server from 1awww:

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you find here prices and details about dedicated rootservers

Webspaces from 1awww:

Webspaces mit Verwaltung unter Confixx oder cPanelFor other users or comapnies, they dont need a own Server, the best is they used a hosted webspace from 1awww. You can find your on the webspace sites your powerful webspace with admin interface confixx or cPanel. More about of the webspaces from 1awww you find here

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